RYSN Mission and Objectives

Yoga is a powerful force. It holds endless potential to foster mindfulness, peace, and health. The Rochester Yoga Service Network (RYSN) was created in 2014 by a small group of yoga leaders in Rochester, New York with the intention of sharing the practice of yoga with underserved populations in our community. In a spirit of cooperation and community engagement, RYSN provides support to, and unity among, local yoga service providers to create bridges of mutual connection and healing.

Objectives - RYSN aims to:

1) Maintain and share a database of Rochester yoga service providers identified by specialty, expertise, and/or affiliation

2) Facilitate the pairing of yoga teachers and volunteers with individuals and groups in need of yoga service

3) Provide a forum for RYSN members to share best program practices in addition to facilitating and hosting yoga training and professional development for Network members

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Volunteer Opportunity

Cancer Wellness Connections is seeking yoga teacher volunteers. RYTs willing and able to guide local cancer patients in yoga-based mindfulness, breathing, and gentle stretching are needed.  If interested, please email Betsy Twohig-Barrett directly for more information:  bbarrett@rochester.rr.com

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